E' un gran privilegio aver vissuto una vita difficile. Ci sono cose più straordinarie di altre e io sono una di queste.

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011
I napolitani sono da sempre avvezzi a grandi contrasti. A crudeltà, al sole, a miserie, al mare, a meschinità e alla pizza. Il napolitano convive con gli escrementi etc e con cose belle. Solitamente le cose belle non le vede. Se ne vanta.
I napolitani sono da sempre avvezzi a grandi contrasti. A crudeltà, al sole, a miserie, al mare, a meschinità e alla pizza. Il napolitano convive con gli escrementi etc e con cose belle. Solitamente le cose belle non le vede. Se ne vanta.
domenica 11 settembre 2011
Ho sempre amato la vita. Chi ama la vita non riesce mai ad adeguarsi, subire, farsi comandare. ( Oriana Fallaci)
sabato 10 settembre 2011
Short-stepping gait in severe heart failure
Heart J 1992;55:469-72
Short-stepping gait in severe heart failure
S W Davies, C A Greig, S L Jordan, D W Grieve, D P Lipkin
Background-Patients with severe
chronic heart failure seem to take shorter
steps than healthy controls when walking
on a treadmill and when walking freely
along a corridor. In healthy individuals
the pattern of walking affects the oxygen
cost of exercise, and so this observation
might be relevant to the limitation of
exercise in heart failure.
Method-Length of stride was analysed
as stride/stature index in 15 controls, 10
patients with moderate heart failure,
10 patients with severe heart failure, and
10 patients with angina, walking at a
constant speed/stature index.
Results-The stride/stature index was
0-64 in the controls in patients with New
York Heart Association (NYHA) class II
heart failure, and in patients with angina.
It was 0 49 in patients with NYHA class III
heart failure. In the patients with heart
failure the stride/stature index correlated
with exercise capacity determined
as peak oxygen consumption
VO2max (R = + 062, p < 0-005). When
healthy controls walked in time to a,
metronome adjusted to decrease their
stride/stature index to approximately
that seen in severe heart failure steadystate
oxygen consumption increased by a
mean of 15%.
Conclusions-The length of stride is
reduced in severe heart failure, and when
healthy controls adopt this gait the
oxygen cost of walking is increased. A
short-stepping gait may contribute to the
limitation of exercise capacity in heart
(Br Heart J 1992;68:469-72)
Short-stepping gait in severe heart failure
S W Davies, C A Greig, S L Jordan, D W Grieve, D P Lipkin
Background-Patients with severe
chronic heart failure seem to take shorter
steps than healthy controls when walking
on a treadmill and when walking freely
along a corridor. In healthy individuals
the pattern of walking affects the oxygen
cost of exercise, and so this observation
might be relevant to the limitation of
exercise in heart failure.
Method-Length of stride was analysed
as stride/stature index in 15 controls, 10
patients with moderate heart failure,
10 patients with severe heart failure, and
10 patients with angina, walking at a
constant speed/stature index.
Results-The stride/stature index was
0-64 in the controls in patients with New
York Heart Association (NYHA) class II
heart failure, and in patients with angina.
It was 0 49 in patients with NYHA class III
heart failure. In the patients with heart
failure the stride/stature index correlated
with exercise capacity determined
as peak oxygen consumption
VO2max (R = + 062, p < 0-005). When
healthy controls walked in time to a,
metronome adjusted to decrease their
stride/stature index to approximately
that seen in severe heart failure steadystate
oxygen consumption increased by a
mean of 15%.
Conclusions-The length of stride is
reduced in severe heart failure, and when
healthy controls adopt this gait the
oxygen cost of walking is increased. A
short-stepping gait may contribute to the
limitation of exercise capacity in heart
(Br Heart J 1992;68:469-72)
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